Monday, December 5, 2011

F7 Finish on time

F7 may be a time-consuming paper but if your approach is right, you should be able to finish the paper easily.

What to do in 15 minutes reading time?
1. Calculate the percentage of control in question 1, then leave it.
2. Calculate the relevant ratios in question 3, then leave it.
3. Write points for question 4 and 5 (ignore question 5 if it has more calculation).
4. If you still have time, write down double entry beside each note in question 1.
5. If you still have time, write down double entry beside each note in question 2.

The 15 minutes reading time are very important, they are for you to plan your answer and if you have properly planned the answer, it will save you invaluable time later.

Answering question 1 and 2
You are normally required to open statements. To save time, you should only add vertically and not horizontally, ie. don't bother about balancing your statement of financial position, leave this job at the end when you have spare time. Also, maintain a "don't care" attitude, don't think too much about the note, just leave it or guess the adjustment first if you don't know or not sure about it, come back when you have spare time (which you should have if you maintain this attitude).

With this exam technique, you can even have 30 minutes spare time or more. You have one chance only in exam so you should try these techniques in a past year paper first, give yourself 2 hours 45 minutes to do it. If you can finish the paper then you will be fine in exam. All the best :)

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